punk rock kitchen had a resounding success tonight, serving up a thanksgiving medley of turkey, wasabi-coconut mashed potatoes, various grilled deliciousness, and pumpkin tiramisu to no less than 14 people. and though we'd meant to full-on film the entire process, the camera didn't work out, so i just did a quick bit with my digital camera. of course, i'm too completely idiotic to realize holding the camera in various angles will producer wacky and non-upright views, but, oh well! here you go: spencer's explanation of PRK: early thanksgiving edition.
you want EVEN MORE dorkiness? check out the glasses shots. seriously, if you use the notes function to give a guess as to whose is whose, even though i myself can't remember who was there, then you win 20 trillion dollars.
I got four (I think)...all of them except for Kriston's are tricky.
Posted by: Matt F | November 20, 2006 at 01:21 AM
Though I'm now thinking I'm wrong about Sommer's...
Posted by: Matt F | November 20, 2006 at 01:40 AM